Sunday, December 28, 2014

GL-6 Gwoyeu Row -iu- Finals 國語羅馬字 ㄩ 行韻母的標調法


In Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh (Gwoyeu Romatzyh, National Romanization), the high front rounded vowel (/y/ in IPA), is shown as two letters: iu. All 1st, 2nd and 3rd tone row -iu- finals show tone by changing the first letter of the medial vowel (i, y, e = 1st, 2nd, 3rd tone), rather than adding a letter, so they are printed in green. 4th tone finals show tone by adding one more letter at the end, so they are written in red.
國語羅馬字 行韻母大部分都是靠介音的改拼來標調 (iu, yu, eu = 一、二、三聲), 因此印成綠色。四聲韻母一律在末尾加字母,因此拼成紅色

3rd and 4th tone syllables with no initial consonant are printed with a y- at the beginning, so and = Yunn, Yeu (Iunn  Ieu are wrong).
ㄩ行的三、四聲字若沒有聲母,一律以y-開頭:韻 = Yunn, Yeu (Iunn  Ieu)

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