Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Penpal from South America-1 (Brazil)

Penpals from areas where they speak English (Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand and the USA) usually write good English. German speakers (Austria, Germany and Switzerland) also tend to write well in English. However, you should not only write to people who write very well in English. Be adventuresome! Try writing to people in South America, for example.

1) Go to the Students of the World website. Scroll down to South America (near the end).

2) Scroll down to South America
Most people in South America speak either Spanish or Portuguese, but many people also understand English. There are several large countries to choose from. Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela are probably not very good choices because they face many social problems (they might be unsafe). Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay can provide lots of penpals. Check them out!

3) Here are three people from Brazil.
4) Luzirene is a 38-year-old teacher. She first shows us a photo of her family and she includes a selfie on her own page (click on "My Page"). Even though she is an older person, writing to her seems like a safe choice. Of course, we don't really know her real age and her real job; maybe she's not even a woman!

5) If you don't feel safe, you can Google your penpal to see if they appear on any other web pages:

6) Aha! Luzirene posted details on the Post Crossing website five years ago.

The photo looks the same. Writing to Luzirene is probably very safe, but if you decide to write to her, you should probably apologize for checking out her details on Google. Most people would feel uncomfortable if they knew that you used Google to find out their "secrets" (but always remember: if you post something online, it will probably stay there forever, so there are no very few REAL secrets on the internet).

7) Luzirene's introduction is in English:

"Hello, I´m a teacher and I´me here to look for new friends from all over the world. I learn those languages mentioned so I´m here also to practice them. Please if you´re interested, contact me. We can exchange ideas about culture and customs."

She says that she wants friends from all over the world and that she wants to exchange ideas about culture and customs. Luzirene seems like a very friendly, open-minded person. Go ahead and introduce yourself!

1 comment:

  1. There are many people that don't leave there real information on the internet.
    So, we usually don't know there real age, name, or gender.
    That's why, I suggest people who want to join Penpal, not to leave too much information about themselves.
