Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Foreign Friends? Be Careful! The Ann Murphy Story

Writing letters to people in other countries (penpals), is a good way to practice English and learn about the outside world. However, you should always be careful. Don't immediately give people your phone number, Facebook contact, address etc. Be friendly and helpful, but check out the stories that people tell you. Some people are very good liars.

A beautiful 18-year-old girl who only "wants to be your friend" might be hiding her real reasons: she wants your money, she wants a visa to come to your country. Maybe she is really a man!

A man who falls in love with you, is very nice to your family and gives you expensive presents might already be married. He wants you to be his third wife (but you don't need to know that right now)!

The Ann Murphy Story
A lonely Irish nurse called Ann Murphy met Nezar Hindawi, a charming man from Jordan. When she was six months pregnant with his child, he asked her to come to Israel to get married.
Unattributed news photo (fair use assumed)

However, Hindawi didn't take the same airplane. Just before getting on the airplane, security found a powerful bomb in Ann's luggage. Hindawi planned to kill all 376 people on the airplane, including his girlfriend and his baby. Charming boyfriend indeed!

You can read more about this case in People Magazine (October 27, 1986): "With the Promise of Happiness, She Became a Bomber's Pawn."

Wikipedia also has an article about the Hindawi Affair.

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