Friday, December 26, 2014

GL-4 Gwoyeu Row -i- Finals 國語羅馬字 ㄧ 行韻母的標調法

In Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh (Gwoyeu Romatzyh, National Romanization), most row -i- finals show tone by changing the medial vowel (i, y, e = 1st, 2nd, 3rd tone), so they are printed in green (environmentally friendly :-). There are a few special cases, however. For example, the medial vowel incan not be changed to -e- because jee = (zh in HP), so the last letter is doubled: = jiee is the correct spelling (jiě in Hanyu Pinyin, HP).
國語羅馬字 行韻母大部分都是靠韻母的改拼來標調 (iye = 一、二、三聲), 因此印成綠色(比較環保哦!),不過有幾個特殊例子。譬如說,『解』的介音 -i- 不能改拼成 -e- (這樣會產生jee = 『者』,漢語拼音 = zh ),只好在尾音 -e 之後加個 e = jiee 才是正確拼法 (漢語拼音 = ji)

Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh -i- Row Finals (How to Show Tones) 國語羅馬字 -i- 行韻母的標調法

3rd and 4th tone syllables that have no initial are spelled with a y-
so 蟻 = Yii Yee Yaw (NOT Ii, Iee, Iaw)
ㄧ行 的三、四聲字若沒有聲母,一律以Y-開頭:蟻 = Yii Yee Yaw (Ii, Iee, Iaw)


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