Sunday, February 23, 2014


Students of the World is a very good free website to help you find foreign penpals. Don't be afraid. Find a few penpals to practice English with. Here are some interesting countries to try. People in Northern Europe probably write good English, but people in other countries also have interesting things to say:

Western Europe

BEL = 3905 Belgium
DNK = 1150 Denmark
FIN = 2573 Finland
FRA = 85373 France
FRO = 14 Faroe Islands
GBR = 22190 Great Britain
GER = 4102 Germany
GIB = 18 Gibraltar
GRL = 14 Greenland
IRL = 3201 Ireland
ISL = 88 Iceland
ITA = 7364 Italy
JER = 46 Jersey & Guernsey
LIE = 3 Liechtenstein
LUX = 84 Luxembourg
MAN = 47 Isle of Man
MCO = 19 Monaco
NED = 1465 Netherlands
NOR = 556 Norway
PRT = 669 Portugal
SMR = 6 San Marino
SUI = 1097 Switzerland
SWE = 2466 Sweden
VAT = 15 Vatican

Eastern Europe

HUN = 1376 Hungary
POL = 4333 Poland
RUS = 3776 Russia

West Asia

ISR = 282 Israel

East Asia

IND = 2363 India
JAP = 2845 Japan
KOR = 65212 Korea
PHL = 939 Philippines
SGP = 855 Singapore
SRI = 5465 Sri Lanka
TAI = 5689 Taiwan
THA = 4731 Thailand

North America

ALA = 1253 Alaska (USA)
BER = 19 Bermuda
CAN = 9901 Canada
USA = 93097 USA


BFS = 12187 Burkina Faso
LSO = 15 Lesotho
SAF = 1352 South Africa

South America & Oceania

AUS = 9508 Australia
FLK = 8 Falkland Islands
GUM = 15 Guam
HAW = 749 Hawaii (USA)
NZL = 2283 New Zealand
URU = 127 Uruguay
VEN = 217 Venezuela

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